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Benefits & Challenges of Hybrid/Remote Alt-Ac Work (Take 2)

A friendlier format for readers to help think about the new alternative-academic way of working.

Pandemic Trend or Labor Market Correction?

Faculty and staff turnover within the University of North Carolina system spiked last summer, including at the embattled Chapel Hill campus. System administrators blame the pandemic and other factors, while the departures continue.

Planned Wage Changes Stoke Tension

The Department of Labor is considering a rule to raise wage minimums for overtime-exempt workers, causing friction between higher education associations and rank-and-file employees.

Cutting Faculty Salaries by Executive Order

University of Missouri system continues to defend the president’s right to cut individual faculty pay by 25 percent, but professors wonder how far the policy will go—and at what greater costs.

How the Pandemic Shrank the Higher Ed Workforce

Colleges employed 4 percent fewer people in fall 2020 than they did pre-pandemic, U.S. data show. Community colleges, service workers and part-time employees suffered disproportionately.

Looking for Answers

Rutgers University at Camden arts and sciences professors want to know why their beloved dean was fired abruptly. They didn’t get much of an explanation during a meeting with their chancellor, making an already rocky relationship worse.

The Grass May Be Greener for Women in Industry

The pay gap between men and women in academic science is bigger than it is in industry, according to a new analysis of federal survey data. What might it take to close that gap?

Cornell Says No Remote Teaching as COVID Fears Persist

Scholars question the legality and morality of Cornell's refusal to consider requests from faculty to teach online -- even requests "premised on the need for a disability accommodation."