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Ep. 65: Debating the Value of College Arts (and Other) Programs

Federal data now allow anyone who wishes to identify academic programs whose graduates on average earn more than enough to...

Ep. 64: A Struggling College’s Plea for Help

“Time is growing short.” That’s how Bloomfield College’s president, Marcheta P. Evans, described the struggling private college’s situation this week...

Ep. 63: We Are All Data People

Data is a four-letter word in some quarters of higher education, even as many people call for colleges and universities...

Ep. 62: Amazon’s Approach to Employee Education and Training

Last month Amazon announced a plan to spend $1.2 billion by 2025 to expand its employee education and training offerings...

Ep. 61: Putting Career Readiness at Higher Ed’s Core

Many employers and critics of higher education think many colleges and universities focus too little on ensuring that their graduates...

Ep. 60: COVID’s Impact on the Return to Campus

Despite our expectations and hopes, here we are in another COVID fall. This week’s episode of The Key examines how...

Ep. 59: Reshaping the Federal Role in Higher Ed

The Biden administration has promised once-in-a-generation investments and changes in higher education. Legislation introduced in the House of Representatives this...

Ep. 58: Teaching and Learning in (Another) Fluid Fall

Most of us had hoped for a lot more stability this fall, but here we are. For those of you...