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Tracking Western Wildfire Smoke

Western wildfire smoke isn’t just a concern for the Western U.S. In today's Academic Minute, part of University at Albany Week, Bhupal Shrestha examines how the East Coast also feels the effects.

50 Years of Higher Education Collective Bargaining

How do we push higher education forward? In today’s Academic Minute, Hunter College’s William A. Herbert looks into this question.

Ep. 97: Promoting Student Well-Being in Today's Learning Environments

A discussion of the special challenges and strategies for the growing numbers of students who are studying fully or partially online.

Weekly Wisdom | Interview with Doug Lederman

Enjoy a special interview where Bridget Burns turns the tables on Doug Lederman.

Clues From the Pliocene

As the climate changes, what can history teach us about the future? In today’s Academic Minute, Syracuse University’s Tripti Bhattacharya looks to the past to find out.

The Need for National Human Rights Report Cards

Students get report cards; maybe countries should as well. In today’s Academic Minute, Binghamton University’s David Cingranelli explains why.

Why Do Legislatures Use Sunset Provisions?

Why do legislatures use sunset provisions? In today’s Academic Minute, Lincoln University of Missouri’s Elizabeth Dorssom delves into this question.

Are Tax Audits Bad for Business?

Are tax audits bad for business? In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Texas at Austin’s Andrew Belnap considers this question.