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Low-Income Students Stand to Benefit From Stackable Credentials

A recent report by the RAND Corporation, a nonpartisan policy think tank, and researchers at the University of Michigan suggests...
A man browses suit jacket options hanging on a rack.

Career Prep Tip: Address Definitions of Professional Dress

Landing the first job out of college is one hurdle students face, but learning how to dress for work is another. Institutions can support students’ career development by establishing a professional dress guide.

An instructor in a hard hat instructs a student in a hard hat, pointing to a machine.

How Well Do Career-Prep Offerings Serve Students?

Harvard researchers say colleges have all kinds of programs and supports designed to help students get well-paying jobs, but there’s little research on if they accomplish their goals.

A student stands in a medical clinic next to a small Ronald McDonald toy.

Scaling Up: VCU Internship Funding Program Increases Reach

Virginia Commonwealth University sponsored students’ summer internships and experiential learning through a pilot program in 2022. This year, with additional funding and increased advertising, the program will support around 70 students.

A female student uses a calculator to complete tax forms.

Positive Partnership: Vermont Students Making Money Moves

Champlain College accounting students earn academic credit and IRS certification in partnership with a local social services organization.

A group of Youngstown State University students sit at a table, smiling.

Program Launch: Procurement Internship Prepares Students for Workforce

An internship pilot for government contracting is providing on-the-job training for Youngstown State University students while supporting local businesses.

An alumni panel speaks to students.

Success Program Launch: Biotech Boot Camp Preps Students for Careers in the Field

Employers are increasingly considering candidates with just a bachelor’s degree for STEM fields. Villanova University hosted a biotechnology boot camp in February to expose students to and prepare them for a career in the field.

College Cancels Class for Career and Advising Expo

Students at Lebanon Valley College got a day off from class to attend an on-campus advising and career exploration day, including a job fair, networking and skill-building workshops.